The Top 25 Winning Term Paper Topics In Economics
There are times when writing a winning term paper on economics comes down to selecting interesting and unique topics that will catch your reader’s attention. Here are 25 winning term paper topics for you to consider:
- Write a winning term paper on the difference between international and domestic finance laws.
- Provide an analysis of the evolution of credit and finance in the U.S. in the last 100 years.
- How does China’s international trade policy affect other nations’ economies?
- What is the theory behind cutting a dividend tax cut in the way it positively or negatively affects a nation’s economy?
- Discuss the differences in tax rates between the richest and poorest classes in the U.S.
- Analyze the financial effects of the Kyoto Protocol for both the nations that did and did not sign the agreement.
- How do economic laws differ between the U.S. and European nations?
- What impact do low emission vehicles have on a nation’s economy? Consider environmental and other related factors.
- How are global economics viewed differently around the world? Consider the disparity between the world’s richest and poorest nations.
- Analyze the effects of that a dividend tax cut would have on the bond and stock markets?
- Should the internet be taxed in order to support better network infrastructure in cities?
- Taxes on alcohol have been instrumental in providing additional revenue, but who pays the majority of these taxes?
- How has the recent Ebola outbreak negatively affected the global travel economy?
- Are there financial repercussions as biodiversity in the world declines? What about as the number of endangered species increases?
- Compose a paper on the biggest challenges facing the U.S. in the next 25 years.
- Does the U.N. have a place in determining how countries contribute to developing third world countries?
- What impact does immigration have on local economies? Consider the long term and short term effects.
- Does the U.N. positively or negatively affect the finances of poor countries around the world?
- What are the positive, negative or neutral impacts of mobile technology on the global economy?
- What will be the biggest challenges for the economies of Europe’s nations in the next year?
- What does the rise of renewable or alternative energies have on the economies of the countries of the Middle East?
- What evidence supports the system of reducing the demand for cigarette products by increasing taxes on cigarette products?
- What financial positives or negative exist for creating protective habitats of the world’s species?
- What impact does cyber hacking have on the finances of privately owned large corporations?
- How doe governments spend cigarette tax revenues and how have these expenditures been successful or failures?